Tuesday, November 24, 2009

New Jensen Jet Falcon Speakers

Jet Falcon Speakers
(The speaker with a secret magical green cone)

Jensen Musical Instrument Speakers is pleased to announce the latest addition to the Jensen Jet series, the 12” Falcon. This 50 watt speaker introduces a new style of cone, a secret magical green cone.

The Falcon’s tone is warm and full bodied with lows that are rich and fat. It responds to overdrive distortion with a colorful crunch. The secret magical green cone is specially designed to ensure optimum tone, no matter what style of music.

This latest release of the 12” Falcon demonstrates Jensen’s tradition of giving players what they are asking for in tone. With Jensen’s continued commitment to focus on allowing the player to achieve his/her signature sound, watch for more Jensen Jet series speaker designs on the horizon.




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